
Obama-Care is a bad joke?

Obama-Care is a sick joke?

As the New York Post has rightly pointed out ObamaCare is a bad joke. Here are some facts, who refuse to be ignored ...

• In 52 to 40 percent of voters have turned against the health of the Act on 14th July in the Chamber of Deputies.
• Self-employed now against ObamaCare by a ratio of about 2:1.
• The World Health Organization, the U.S. No. 1 over 191 countries to meet the needs of patients, including the provision at the appropriate time in the treatment and the choice of doctors. Among those who are currently 84% are satisfied with their health. But if you're happy, are not at home: ObamaCare forcing the people, their insurance.
• The impartiality Congressional Budget Office (CBO) believes that the draft law by the Chamber of the Democrats would be the Federal Office for $ 239 billion.
• The Obama team has lacked the CBO to the plans to reduce waste and the reduction of services. Unfortunately, the reduction of waste, only about 1% of ObamaCare "savings". Other potential savings from the reduction should be the care of patients.
• In its "keep the system neutral" Maskerade, the Obama administration, he points to reductions in the care of patients in the form of reductions to the health of the Medicare program for the elderly. The American Medical Association, in his controversial letter support for the Democrats' plan with leading repeal $ 230 billion in cuts in health insurance.
• The team Obama is also on the economies of initiatives aimed at prevention. Legislation by the Senate Democrats points to the "prevention" again and again. But as the CBO has pointed out that prevention does not save money in general.
• Obama says he wants one with which the federal government for the health benefits of the Congrès is located. This concept is a farce. The Congress has a cafeteria plan, the choice is from the public, but it is not supported by the government.
• Congress specifically benefits the rest of us can only dream of. There is a doctor on call, only the members of Congress and the Congress has a privileged access and admission of Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Medical Center. The Congress is being a VIP for us?
• ObamaCare requires a large bureaucracy in the health sector eye-popping complex Rube Goldberg would be the head.
When Obama was in pre-election campaign mode, some reason he made statements about health care. He wanted to keep your insurance when you are happy with it. He told us that health care by the government with the increase of taxes was a bad idea. And he did not think that anyone should be forced to purchase the insurance. Only those of us naively believe Obama's sweet little promises, but at least they sounded nice.

The kingfisher day of campaign 2008 is long gone. The elections have an impact - promises, for example. But at least we can in the knowledge that Obama and friends have to play by the rules for implementation, is not it?


"Under the current bill Democrats in healthcare, the members of Congress are curiously exempt from the government, the health of the option, the preservation of their health services and on Capitol Hill."

Members of John Fleming, has passed a resolution to the members of Congress, "the possibility of their money where their mouth is and urge their colleagues, the choice for the legislation establishing the government health care plan with an example and in the same audience. "Fleming's Resolution has more than 40 co-sponsors, but not only one of the co-sponsors is a Democrat.

Even Obama has refused to participate in the program, health insurance. I can not blame Obama wants the best care for their family, but I can accuse him, not hypocritical.

The Americans have their appetite hypocritical, reckless spending, and the penetration of the inability of the government in all spheres of life. Obama is trying to address one of these concerns by promising that he "will not sign any health-care bill that adds to the deficit," but apparently it's too little and too late. Support for ObamaCare crumbling. Think of some recent comments:

• The Washington Post: "Month on cooperation between the various stakeholders in the health reform debate seems to come to an end ..."
• Reuters: "The reform of the U.S. $ 2.5 trillion health care is a signature Obama national problem and a test of his presidency, but it's time is short ..."
• CNN: Six key senators - three Democrats, one independent and two moderate Republicans - sent a letter to the leaders of the Senate for a slowing of the pressure for a revision of the health care on the basis of the Congressional Budget Office believes that the democratic currently not would be done, the cost of medical treatment.
• WSB: "Last week was a roller coaster of events that appear to swing in the controversial health reform initiative, then he slowly ..."
• politico: Jim DeMint is apparently the possibility of victory. "If we are in a position to Obama, what is his Waterloo. And they break."
• The Associated Press: "Could it be that the president Barack Obama Midas begins, a little boring, even among members of his own party?"
Obama has a lot of political capital and his credibility to a hard test for the break with the Chicken Little schtick he has the idea to sell. When it comes to health, perhaps the sky is back, but the Americans seemed not to hear.

Obama's popularity is sinking together, the tone changes, and cheerleaders are losing their enthusiasm. "What is right for you? Bread and discipline," they say. "Who knew that we have received, the election of a national mother?"

If Obama has the White House by the Democrats to control in Washington, the government of the health sector seems fate. Well, that's not so clear. The conservatives have many reasons to be optimistic in view of their chances to defeat ObamaCare.

1 comment:

  1. So why dose a person who has no job and cant get healthcare get penalized via, IRS. So if you cant pay for it what do you do.. The Government Taxes you . And the same for Small Business . If you go by unrealistic SBA data why dose a person who wants to start to a business still gets penalized by businesses that were unfair to the public. And why dose the government institute Fair costs..
    I guess when a campaign is funded by the over cost insurance lobby . The lips go to the insurance company
