Obama care?
Barack Obama's off and ambivalent reaction to the events in Iran, the question arises whether it is concerned about the fate of freedom in Iran, and what his attitude to the Iranian regime. When he identified with the regime and its opponents? He care?
Ronald Reagan, the response to the imposition of martial law in Poland, provides an instructive contrast Obama muted reaction. Once in office, John O'Sullivan wrote the President, the Pope and the Prime Minister, Reagan took his staff, he always wanted to know about the development of Poland. "Less than two weeks after its establishment," relates O'Sullivan, "Reagan met with his advisor to discuss foreign policy, as the erosion of communist power in Poland and the intervention of the Soviet Union. "
When the communist government in Poland declared war to crush Solidarity legislative December 12-13, 1981, more than 4,000 Solidarity activists were arrested, was interned Lech Walesa and Solidarity was banned. Steven Hayward reminds us in his forthcoming The Age of Reagan: The Conservatives against revolution: 1980-1989 ", the fact that the Soviets, the Poles are fed up with dirty work, a fig leaf for Western leaders to solve the problem .
Western Chief said to express their understanding by the government against solidarity. They have all their support.
Not Ronald Reagan: "Ronald Reagan," says Hayward, "Poland was furious." Ed Morrissey notes that Reagan reacted immediately the imposition of the law of war by the publication of his interview with Pope John Paul II the next day :
President. "His Holiness, I would like you to know how we feel the situation at home."
"I look forward to the times we meet in person."
"Our sympathies are with people, not the government."
Reagan in his view, three days later a press conference:
All information that we have confirmation that the imposition of martial law in Poland led to the arrest and confinement in prisons and camps, thousands of Polish intellectuals and union leaders. Plants are seized by the security forces and workers affected.
These acts clearly, there was a sharp drop in the movement toward a free society, which in Poland for a year and a half. Coercion and the violation of human rights are widespread in the place of negotiation and compromise. This is clearly a violation of the Helsinki pact, Poland is a signatory.
It would be naive to think and go, without the knowledge and support of the Soviet Union. We are not naive. We see the current situation in Poland in the circumstances, including the increased use of violence against an unarmed population and violations of fundamental rights of the Polish population.
Invite violence and Poland threat of violence in the chaos. We invite all free men, which the Government of Poland in the conditions, negotiations and constructive as possible.
Of course, it will be impossible for us to continue to try to help solve Poland's economic problems, while the law of war is to man in Poland, thousands are in prison, and the rights of Free Trade Unions -- earlier by the government - now denied. We were always ready to assume our role in support of Poland to overcome their economic difficulties, but only if the Polish people can solve their internal problems without coercion and outside.
Our nation was born in the resistance against arbitrary power, and has been constantly enriched by immigrants from Poland and other major nations of Europe. Thus, we feel a special affinity with the Polish people in its struggle against its opposition to the Soviet reform.
The Polish nation, spoke of solidarity is one of the most brilliant, courageous moments in modern history. People in Poland imperishable give us an example of courage and commitment to the values of freedom from the relentless opposition. From left to man from Poland, a new birth of freedom. But there are also those who oppose the idea of freedom, intolerance to national independence and opposition to the European Parliament and the values of democracy and the rule of law.
Two months of December, lost liberty in Afghanistan, and Christmas, what is at stake, Poland. But the torch of freedom is hot. He heats it keep high. It burns those who remove it.
During the two weeks following the imposition of the law of war Reagan meetings of the National Security Council on the Polish crisis almost daily. Richard Pipes Hayward cites the description of an "emotionally charged atmosphere, inspired largely by the mounting anger Reagan." Reagan mocked the "Chicken Little" in Europe.
Regarding the storage of sources, 22nd December Hayward Reagan NSC meeting that it is "the last chance of life, against the filth of the place." Reagan expressed his anger in a submission to Brezhnev free s'indigne December 23: "[N] othing has outraged public opinion, as the pressures and threats that the government of Poland to stifle freedom of movement." On 23 December Reagan had his eloquent condemnation of the repression in Poland. Reagan said:
I must emphasize the belief that if tonight, the atrocities committed in Poland either, we can not, not "business as usual''con authors and those who support and help. Do not get confused the crimes of their costs are costly to their future relations with America and free peoples throughout the world. I have no easy explanation and without serious reflection.
What prevents that Barack Obama, such a statement? He care?
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