
6 Reasons Obama-Care Is Bad Medicine

6 reasons Obama-Care is Bad Medicine

Nobody denies that in a rich country like ours, where the borders on the tragic that millions are not a form of health care. I believe that Americans really.

I agree that the reform of health care is essential in America, but I do not believe that the draft of the so-called "universal healthcare", which was signed today by our President the solution. Indeed, I believe that medicine is bad for America.

- First of all, universal health care is reflected by carelessness.

Sweeping reform of the health care system to be adopted in record time in the world? Like the promotion and false nonsense rescue, care for Obama is America's Glen (without justification), and propulsion systems, such as a wall by the Congress (without testing). I mention the lightning war Obama: Create a crisis, and the number crunch, CRAM and legislation. The fact is that the president continue to sell the program, but there is still no plan for him or for the Congress is for sale.

- Secondly, the universality of health care is clearly lead our country deep in debt that gradually shift from the experiences of foreign powers, without any doubts in Washington to end.

Obama said in a press conference on television at the national level, "The reforms in the health sector will not be given to this deficit, is for a reduction." How can you tell if you do not have problems with a plan for health care? If it is not the impact of supply on a large scale in all communities across the nation?

The President is the struggle against the base of the tax on the rhetoric into reality. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Senate version of the legislation in the health sector is a significant increase in the federal deficit by around 1.0 trillion U.S. dollars for fiscal year 2010 from the 2019th "And what makes a good financial responsibility in the economy and the government, already facing bankruptcy?

- Thirdly, the universal health care impersonalize would ration health care and medical services.

The government takeover of health care in Washington would also include the use of "Exploring the effectiveness of comparison" to the doctors before the treatment, and how much it cost. This would lead to rationing in health care.

Canada and Europe have already shown that the quality of medical nightmares, with a plethora of new rules and new medical rationing. In the services provided by the government, the staff in health care, the more impersonal harassment. More public transport threaten MINUCI runs in our lives.

- Fourthly, health, generally, the competition in the market for health services.

And with regard to the taxpayers the cost of the program? It would be universal health care, the productivity of their future? Other members of taxes in the class (and that would be even more disadvantaged, their productivity), is certainly not for the creation of incentives for Americans to the American dream. And of course they have added impact of the fees for the consumer. Now we can assume that he would be willing to pay 47 million Americans are "universal health care for their surplus?

You can use competitive markets through the creation of monopolies, but it is exactly what the first government universal health care would be the distortion of competition. If the government must do something, you have to hard against the monopolies of health insurance. If the government wants to regulate something, it would be better to regulate health insurance, and not the American people.

- Fifth, universal health care in the future of health professionals in the vicinity of legislators.

With the government-sanctioned Health Care in general, the Legislative Assembly is almost as medical officer and head of the government of a medical report, the staff and the political oversight of the program. This does not, and the end of life, counseling and services. The policy of the Federal based on a relatively small number of medical director (as in most of them), which in turn is responsible for designing and implementing the political and medical procedures which they consider best for the country.

- Sixth, the Universal Health Care increases and the U.S. government continues to slope to socialism.

The nanny is not the solution to our health. Our government has two programs for health care coverage: Medicare (for elderly) and Medicaid (for low-income citizens). The President mentioned in his speech in the last week that the two programs are the largest contributions to the rise of our deficit. So why not a reform, improvement and expansion of these programs, rather than a third (or fourth or fifth), the government bureaucracy medically as "primary health care?

What is needed is a group in Washington Bipartisan is a long time to work and a health program for compromise, not increase taxes (for everyone), the regulation of medical personnel or election of cooperation in healthcare.

Why wait for Washington? Go to http://patientsunitednow.com/ to find out more about your community and you will be able to reform the health care and options for physicians and medical care. Especially on the website of Dr. Betsy McCaughey to http://www.defendyourhealthcare.us./ You are an expert in the field of health and the former Governor of New York and, in fact, read the entire Senate on the bill for universal healthcare. E 'will show many details hidden in the interior, which do not participate in the discussion with the public in the United States.

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